British-era sedition law will change!: Center told Supreme Court – will investigate again; First argument was, don’t finish it

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  • Center Told SC Will Investigate Again; The First Argument Was, Don’t End It.

DelhiOne hour ago

The central government has decided to reconsider the sedition law. The Center has told the Supreme Court that the government will reconsider and examine the provisions of Section 124A of the IPC. The Center has given an affidavit in the court. In this, an appeal has been made to the court that the matter should not be heard till the government investigates.

The petition challenging the sedition law was filed on behalf of five parties including Editors Guild of India, TMC MP Mahua Moitra. In the case, the petitioners say that there is no need for this law in today’s time. The matter is being heard by a three-judge bench headed by CJI NV Ramana. Justice Suryakant Tripathi and Justice Hima Kohli are also included in this bench.

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Earlier the Center had said – the law should not be abolished
Last Thursday, the Supreme Court heard the petitions challenging the sedition law. During this, it was argued on behalf of the Center that this law should not be abolished, but new guidelines should be made for it.

Center gave this argument in SC

The Central Government, by filing an affidavit in the Supreme Court, said – Reviewing and repealing old laws is a continuous process. The Government of India has repealed 1500 laws since 2014-15. Governments have been accused of misusing the sedition law. In the current era, the decision to evaluate the need of this law has been taken after the instructions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Kapil Sibal told sedition law of British era
The Supreme Court had said in an order that senior advocate Kapil Sibal would represent the petitioner against the validity of Section 124A of the IPC. Sibal had said – This law is used against journalists, activists and politicians, so that they cannot oppose the government. This is the law of British era.

What is IPC Section 124A

If anyone writes or speaks anti-government things or tries to degrade the Constitution by insulting the national symbols, then he can be punished with imprisonment from three years to life.

Sedition law is also registered against MP Navneet Rana

A few days ago, Khar Police of Mumbai had registered a case against Independent MP Navneet Rana and her husband MLA Ravi Rana under Section 124A (sedition) of IPC. Taking up the case of Rana couple in the Supreme Court, Attorney General KK Venugopal had said that the sedition law should not be removed completely, but guidelines are needed on it. He had said that a case of sedition was made for reading Hanuman Chalisa. In such a situation, the court needs to make guidelines on the law.

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