‘Brightest boy’: Israeli-American Elan Ganeles, killed in terror attack, laid to rest

Israeli-American Alan Ganales, 26, who was killed in a terrorist attack near the Dead Sea on Monday, was laid to rest on Wednesday at the Ravana cemetery.

Gunnells’ family, who live in West Hartford, Connecticut, traveled to Israel for the funeral, along with hundreds of others.

Praising her son, Ganless’s mother Caroline said, “He was the most talented boy in the world … He had a never-ending curiosity.”

“While living in Israel, he fell in love with the land and the people. This is where he wanted to be,” said his father, Andrew. “He was going to make Aliya.”

Gannels was raised in West Hartford, where his family belonged to the Young Israel of West Hartford Synagogue, and attended Modern Orthodox schools.

On Monday, gunmen opened fire on his car on the Route 90 highway near the Nevo military base, killing him. The IDF said the terrorists then continued driving and opened fire on another car near the Beit Harwa junction, then a third car nearby.

People attend the funeral of Alain Ganlays who was killed in a terrorist shootout in the West Bank in Ravana on March 1, 2023 (Flash90).

As Ganales’ parents spoke, the IDF issued a statement saying it had arrested two suspects in the attack following an operation near the West Bank city of Jericho, where their son was shot.

Ganales’ parents spoke of their son’s passion for nature, travel and culture, describing his decision, inspired by a trip to China, to “master the art of making ramen noodle soup.”

Alain Ganelles killed in a terrorist shootout in the West Bank on February 27, 2023. (Courtesy of the Consulate General of Israel in New York)

“He was a very passionate person. And when he was passionate about something, he pursued it passionately and deeply,” his mother said, adding, “He was such a gift in our lives that so many The characteristics were there. He had a whole life of such potential, he wanted to see the world, to imbibe every aspect…. Our loss is the world’s loss.”

The parents of Alain Ganales, who was killed in a terrorist attack near the Dead Sea, attend their son’s funeral in Ra’anana, March 1, 2023. (Screenshot/YouTube; Used in accordance with section 27A of the Copyright Act)

“We last spent time with Ellen a few weeks ago when she came home for Shabbat before her trip to [to Israel]”her father recalled. “It was a highlight both for him and for us.”

“Often late on Friday nights while I was cleaning up from Shabbat dinner we would spend hours discussing current events, the finer points of politics and religion. He loved to think and analyze and above all to argue.”

“We feel as if a part of our being has been taken from us. He was greatly loved, and he will be greatly missed,” his parents concluded.

Ganales, visiting Israel to attend a friend’s wedding, served in the IDF as a computer programmer before returning to the United States to pursue his university degree.

In Ra’anana, the Ganales brothers, Simon and Gabriel, addressed the hundreds of people in attendance.

Gabriel Ganales said, “Alan was the most genuine, curious and knowledgeable person I knew.” “He loved his friends more than anything. His friends were his family. He was in Israel meeting over 25 friends from different walks of life. He was constantly looking to make people happy and have fun.” Were staying

People attend the funeral of Alain Ganlays who was killed in a terrorist shootout in the West Bank in Ravana on March 1, 2023 (Flash90).

“Elan was my brother, my best friend and a huge inspiration to me. I will miss him,” said Simon Gunlays.

Amichai Eliyahu of Otzma Yehudit attended the funeral as a representative of the government and said he was “ashamed and hurt” by what happened to Ganales.

“We have built this country and it is getting stronger every day, but as we grow, we also see more and more hatred. As a minister in the government of Israel, I say that we failed .

People attend the funeral of Alain Ganlays who was killed in a terrorist shootout in the West Bank in Ravana on March 1, 2023 (Flash90).

Ganesh was killed a day after two Israeli brothers were shot dead in a similar attack in the northern West Bank, which was followed by a stampede by settlers in the Palestinian village of Huwara, during which one Palestinian man was killed. I went.

In recent months, Palestinian gunmen have repeatedly targeted military posts and civilians along the West Bank security barrier, Israeli settlements and on the streets.

Emmanuel Fabian contributed to this report.

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