Breastfeeding Week 2021: For the first time, the mother should keep these things in mind:

Feeling in this new phase of life is completely different from anything in the past.

Feeling in this new phase of life is completely different from anything in the past.

Due to lack of experience, many are not aware of the right way or what to keep in mind while breastfeeding.

Becoming a mother and bringing a new life into this world for the first time is one of the best feelings that a woman can experience. Feeling in this new phase of life is completely different from anything in the past. However, there are also many challenges and problems that come with new motherhood. Since everything is happening for the first time, new moms find it difficult to adapt to the changes. One of the many problems they face in new motherhood is related to breastfeeding for the first time. Due to lack of experience, many are not aware of the right way or what to keep in mind while breastfeeding. Here we are listing some important things that first time mothers should keep in mind while feeding their babies.

correct posture

While breastfeeding her baby, the mother should ensure that the baby’s head should be at a 45-degree angle to her breasts. Therefore, it is always advisable to breastfeed the baby in a sitting position.

don’t lie down

Many mothers often breastfeed their baby while lying down but this position can be harmful for the newborn. Breastfeeding newborn babies while they are lying down increases the chances of getting ear infections.

sleep time

Never put the baby to bed immediately after breastfeeding. If the baby falls asleep soon after breastfeeding, he may not be able to digest the milk properly and may pass out of the mouth.

hold carefully

After breastfeeding, hold the baby with the head on your shoulder and caress the back for 2-3 minutes. This will help in digesting the milk properly.


The baby should not be put to bed before burping after breastfeeding. If the baby has abdominal pain after lying down, there is a risk of milk leaking out of the respiratory tract.

use breast pump

Many new mothers find it difficult to breastfeed their baby naturally and sometimes the baby is unable to expel milk from the mother’s breasts. In this case, a breast pump can be used to extract milk. Breast milk has miraculous benefits for the baby and is essential for the overall development and health of the newborn.

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