Break the chain of fake news, try Times Verified. India News – Times of India

Social media, which connects and catalyzes change, can also be a mine of fake news and lies. A steady, constant stream of misinformation circulates through platforms and networks connecting families, friends, and colleagues. The undercurrent of nervousness and nervousness is clear.
As the changing dynamics against emerging forms of communication, TOI has tried to meet the challenge by placing even greater emphasis on news verification. We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we have rigorous systems in place to verify information before publishing it. If an error is still missed, we acknowledge it and look forward to setting the record straight.

In line with this sentiment, Times Verified Seeks to provide clarity and accuracy on important issues through collaborative effort with readers. We view this as a service that we wish to provide to our readers with the utmost humility and a sense of responsibility. We will not declare that something is true or fake unless we are completely satisfied with our due diligence. And if we are not in a position to reach a definite conclusion, we will not hesitate to say so.
Since we started testing in certain cities a few months ago, we’ve checked 25,000 messages sent by our readers on a dedicated line. They were further on about the demise of a decorated war veteran, a cell phone number for sourcing medicines for Covid patients and another about an alleged announcement on the impending lockdown.
Our panel of editors and journalists covering various agencies and sectors present verifiable data, reports, statements and other details to experts and relevant authorities. His input helped us get back to the reader with as clear a picture as possible.
Some of the messages analyzed were downright absurd—”All citizens are entitled to Rs 7,000 per week to stay at home to fight the virus”—but there were many that seemed to carry a ring of authenticity, the vaccination slot. or citing statements made to people in important positions (“Mike Yeadon, former Chief Scientist et pfizer, declares the vaccine to be a threat to human life”).
This is clearly the more insidious side of social media; Half-truths ready to appear real. The challenge is to analyze such viral fakes and separate fact from fabrication. This is important because fake news can be really deadly.
Dr Seema, a US-based physician, says, “The rapid spread of misinformation during a pandemic can kill people.” yasmin, whose recent book describes how misinformation spreads faster than microbes do in times of crisis. “Last year we have seen people writing Facebook posts from their hospital beds that they didn’t believe the pandemic was real because they had read on social media and now they were infected,” Yasmin said. To be “very certain” is the need to identify red flags in the information packaged.
With truth being the best, most effective vaccination to combat the epidemic of fake news, we urge you to forward all suspicious, worrying messages to our expert panel. The green mark in the Times Verified logo counters the tyranny of the brown curved arrow in front.
