Boris Johnson will resign today: what caused the political crisis in Britain?

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed to step down from the top post on Thursday. Take a look at the events that led to his upcoming resignation.

Boris Johnson (file photo)

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed on Thursday to step down from the top post after a flurry of resignations from his cabinet ministers. The BBC reported that he would also step down as leader of the Conservative Party.

More than 50 ministers have resigned from the UK government since Tuesday, while dozens of his Conservative Party ministers are in open rebellion.

But how did we get here? Let’s take a look at the events that led to his resignation.

partygate scandal

Boris scrambles to gain public trust after a report released in May 2022 16 meetings were held at Johnson’s home and office and other government offices between May 2020 and April 2021. The report details instances of some of Johnson’s employees drinking heavily, at a time when millions were unable to see friends and family.

Johnson issued an apology and said he took “full responsibility” for what happened.

The disclosure of the report sparked public outrage, with Conservative lawmakers calling for Johnson’s resignation.

No confidence motion

In June, at least 54 Conservative lawmakers submitted letters to the chairman of the 1922 committee, Graham Brady – a group of backbenchers, saying they had lost faith in their leader. after that a No confidence motion Parliament June 6.

Johnson won the no-confidence vote, with Conservative lawmakers voting 211 to 148 to support him. But the scale of the rebellion – about 41% voted against him – shakes his grip on power.

Chris Pincher Scandal

The latest scandal saw Boris Johnson hit by allegations that he failed to come clean about MP Chris Pincher, who was appointed to a senior position in 2019 despite sexual misconduct claims against him.

On 1 July, the UK government claimed that Johnson was unaware of the allegations against Pincher. But a spokesperson later revealed that this was not entirely true and that the PM was aware of the allegations.

Two of Johnson’s most senior cabinet ministers, Treasury Chief Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid, left the government on July 5, after Johnson was forced to admit he changed his story on how he handled the charges against Pincher. Gave. His leave sparked the current crisis that has gripped Johnson and the Tory government.

(With inputs from AP and PTI)

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