Bollywood celebrities demand justice for 9-year-old rape victim

Several members of the film industry have expressed anger on social media over the gang rape and murder of a 9-year-old girl in Delhi. Actress Swara Bhaskar, who is known to be quite vocal about various issues prevailing across the globe, took to Twitter to condemn the recent brutal incident.

He tweeted, “Nine year old girl raped, murdered & forcibly cremated! She is a dalit. The rapist was a priest.. In the national capital.. What a more obvious and sickening of crime, inequality There is expression and anarchy? Am I missing the outrage of December 2012?”

The young woman was allegedly raped and murdered by a priest and three male employees of a crematorium near Delhi Cantonment in south-west Delhi, who on Sunday allegedly buried her body without anyone’s consent. Cultivated.

Actress-turned-politician Urmila Matondkar tweeted, “#JusticeForDelhiCanttGirl #JusticeForDelhiCanttGirl,” demanding justice for the girl child.

Actor Sushant Singh wrote a short moving poem, in which he called the culprits.

“Rahe honge mahan kabhi, aaj hum bhi vibhats hai. Apne bacho ko khane wala adamkhor samaj hai. Nastik hu par aaj fariyad karunga, in masumo ki har badua kabul ho. #JusticeForDelhiCanttGir,” he wrote.

Actress Richa Chadha asks Delhi Police to “name the rapist and shame him”.


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