Board Exams 2023: Dos and Don’ts While Preparing For 10th, 12th Exams

While exam related exhaustion and stress is something difficult and real, if managed properly, they can be dealt with in a better way (Representational Image)

While exam related exhaustion and stress is something difficult and real, if managed properly, they can be dealt with in a better way (Representational Image)

The first step towards dealing with exam stress is to set realistic goals. Research has indicated that frequency is often more important than intensity, especially when it comes to forming new habits like exercise.

There is a saying, a little stress can be a good thing. It can be the motivational push that we may need to get things done. However, sometimes dealing with stress and anxiety can be very difficult mainly for students, especially during examinations. Recently, there has been a significant increase in students battling with mental health issues due to stress, and the number is expected to rise in the times to come.

Many students experience nervousness before the exam. Needless to say, with increasing numbers of students seeking help for mental-health issues related to study, it is clear that our students are under more pressure than ever.

While exam related exhaustion and stress is something difficult and real, they can be dealt with better if managed properly. Here are five tips to beat exam fatigue and anxiety:

set realistic goals

The first step towards dealing with exam stress is to set realistic goals. Research has indicated that frequency is often more important than intensity, especially when it comes to forming new habits like exercise. Similarly, setting small and realistic goals in terms of your curriculum vitae helps you keep everything in perspective. Accepting your situation and then working within the confines of what you have maximizes your productivity without the risk of burning yourself out.

eat well, sleep and exercise

Staying up all night, surviving on a poor diet, and limiting your activities to the bare minimum can increase symptoms of anxiety. For your body to perform at its best, make sure you get at least eight hours of sound sleep, less caffeine, more water, and at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. This balanced approach will help you concentrate better on your studies which will help you deal with exam stress in a better way.

pace yourself with panic

Test anxiety is common among high school, college, and university students. If you experience this at any point, take a few deep breaths, hydrate yourself, and tackle the problem. Make sure you break it down into several parts. Remember that there is always a solution to every problem.

remember to breathe

Setting aside even a few minutes, even for at least 30 minutes each day, to practice mindfulness techniques, such as breathing exercises, can help calm your body’s tension and bring your attention back to the present moment. can take. In turn, this gives you an opportunity to think rationally through your nagging anxiety, get rid of any unhelpful thought patterns and enable yourself to tackle multiple exams and start more effective revision. Is.

believe in yourself

When we are constantly facing challenges, we often forget to look back and reflect on how far we have come and how much we have achieved. Given that you have prepared well, there should be no reason to worry. Therefore, when experiencing a negative thought, quickly catch it and replace it with a positive one.

For example, instead of thinking “What if I don’t get this percentage”, think “I will be able to give my best because I have prepared well” or “Whatever I get, I will give my best.” Be proud of yourself and recognize how much you have already accomplished. Basically, practicing gratitude can be helpful for inner peace of mind.

Although fatigue and stress are common during exams, they are not impossible to deal with. If you are experiencing stress, it is always recommended to seek help. If feeling tired or stressed, talk to someone – a close friend, parent or other close family member, and share your innermost feelings. This will help in reducing your burden. However, in extreme cases, don’t be shy about reaching out to a professional for help.

— Written by Chetan Jaiswal | Founder & CEO- MyPeegu

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