Blaze ravages Evia island on sixth day of Greek wildfires – Times of India

PSAROPOULI, Greece: Thousands of people have fled their homes on the Greek island of Evia as wildfires burned uncontrollably for the sixth day on Sunday, and more evacuations were needed after the sea took many people to safety. The ferries were on standby.
In recent days, fires in the northern suburbs of Athens had succumbed to some extent. But the fire spread rapidly on several fronts in Evia, a large island east of the capital, ripping apart thousands of hectares (acres) of pristine forest in its northern part, and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages.
“I’m angry. I lost my house… the next day nothing will be the same,” said one resident, who gave his name vasilikia After boarding the rescue boat in Soropoli village.
“It’s a disaster. It’s huge. Our villages have been destroyed, nothing is left of our homes, our property, nothing, nothing,” she said.
Wildfires have erupted in many parts of the country during Greece’s worst heatwave in three decades, with temperatures and warm winds creating tinderbox conditions. Forest land has been burned across the country and dozens of homes and businesses have been destroyed.
Greece has deployed the military to help fight the fires and in many countries, including France, Egypt, Switzerland And Spain has also sent help, including firefighters.
Officials said more than 570 firefighters are dousing the blaze in Ivia.
As the night sky turned red with flames, the Coast Guard has evacuated more than 2,000 people, including many elderly residents, from different parts of the island since Tuesday.
Central Greece’s governor, Fanis Spanos, said the situation in the north of the island had been “very difficult” for almost a week.
“The fronts are huge, the area of ​​burnt land is huge,” he told Sky TV. He said over 2,500 people have been accommodated in hotels and other shelters.
fire at the foot of Mount Parnitha lies to the north of Athens but weather conditions meant there was still a high risk that it could flare up again.
On Friday night, strong winds pushed the fire into the city of Thracomacadons, where residents were ordered to evacuate. The fire burned and darkened homes and cars among the scorched pine trees.


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