BJP’s ‘Naya Kashmir’ hoax is now a joke: PAGD – Kashmir Pathak

SRINAGAR: On the eve of the second anniversary of abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into union territories, the People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) on Wednesday said the BJP’s “new Kashmir” deception is now a joke. Is. People have started questioning the futility of the August 2019 move.

It appealed to the people of Jammu and Kashmir to unite and said that we will not give up but will continue our struggle in defending our rights by using every opportunity through peaceful and legal means.

“August 5 marks the completion of two years of the unprecedented attack on the Constitution of India, for the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution, which has damaged the very bond of our relations with the Union of India. By demolishing the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the government has crossed all limits of constitutionality.

The PAGD – a grouping of various mainstream parties in Jammu and Kashmir including the National Conference and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) – said it was expected that the central government would realize the futility of its decisions of August 5, 2019.

“The recent participation of the leaders of J&K (in a meeting) with the Prime Minister was a leap of faith in that hope, but none of the necessary measures have been taken to revive the broken faith of the people of J&K. . Jammu and Kashmir is as far away from Delhi and from the heart of India as it ever was. Rather the distance is widening…,” Tarigami said.

They were adopted by the Jammu and Kashmir legislature on 3 March 2004 to downgrade the historic state of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate it into two separate union territories without the consent of the people and to maintain the unity and secular character of Jammu and Kashmir. Told to ignore the offer. The state of Kashmir has set a precedent that no state can exist as a single state and can be cut into pieces at any time by placing it under governor’s rule.

“The existence of a state thus becomes a matter of central discretion, an important step towards a unitary state,” the statement said.

“The BJP’s Naya Kashmir hoax is now a joke. People have started questioning those in power as to what they have achieved by destroying Jammu and Kashmir.

Referring to the abrogation of Article 35-A, which renders the status of permanent residents redundant, the statement said the protection of jobs and land rights was arbitrarily removed, leading to a deep sense of alienation and insecurity in all areas. happened.

“The economy of Jammu and Kashmir has virtually collapsed as tourism, trade, agriculture, horticulture and handicrafts sectors have been badly hit. Employment opportunities are decreasing. Is corruption less and administration better? The fact is that not a single claim stands the test of scrutiny, he said.

He said that PAGD appeals to all sections of people from each region and community to remain united and not fall prey to false and discredited campaigns and divisive attempts aimed at dividing and disarming our people.

Tarigami said that we are sure that in this time of grave crisis we will not give up but will continue our struggle to defend our rights by using every opportunity through peaceful and legal means.

PAGD said that the process of throttling democracy and democratic rights has been initiated.

There has been a forced silence as a result of the shutdown and continued restrictions on the movement and congregation of people and the shutting down of the media. In the last two years it has become abundantly clear why the Indian government was so insistent on taking such drastic illegal steps. Tarigami said that we have seen that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are being divided into small units, their jobs and their rights over natural resources are being taken away.

The indiscriminate suppression of civil and democratic rights continues unabated, the statement said. The indiscriminate arrest and harassment of all sections of our people, including government servants, continues on various pretexts and the recent issuance of orders not to grant passports and government services to any person involved in law and order and stone pelting cases. And there is extra. .

The “adverse police report cannot be a substitute for conviction” in court. He said that this is a violation of the most feared principles of the justice system.


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