BJP government selling national assets is ‘fun’: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut

Raut praises Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin

In this context, he lauded the recent political generosity displayed by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, saying it was an “exemplary act of love, sympathy and respect for political opponents.”

Raut said that when he took over as CM, Stalin had to face the issue of 6.5 million school bags being distributed free of cost to students, but there were photographs of former CMs late J Jayalalithaa and E Palaniswami, which were to be handed over to the students in May. Voted in 2021.

“When his officials asked what to do with the bags, CM Stalin categorically said that the scheme should not be stopped because of the photographs (Jayalalithaa and Palaniswami), and should be distributed to the children immediately. He said that the state Will save Rs 15 crore which can be used in the war against coronavirus,” Raut said.

He is the same CM whose father (late CM M Karunanidhi) was arrested by Jalalalitha’s policemen from his house in the dark of night, but Stalin showed cultured and mature behavior to forget the old hatred in the interest of the state, and Raut urged “all political parties to take lessons from this”.


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