Biker riding with two pet cats on Bengaluru roads goes viral, internet is divided: Watch video

Videos with some unique ones quickly gain popularity on social media platforms. Often these videos have a unique appeal. Recently one such video showing the love a biker has for his pet has gone viral on the internet. In the video, the biker can be seen riding his Bajaj Dominar bike along with his two pet cats. The video appears to have been recorded by someone passing by the person walking on the road. Ever since the video was uploaded on social media, it has been viewed over 1.5 lakh times.

A Twitter user Arun Gowda recently posted a video on the microblogging website of a biker and two cats sitting in a relaxed pose. One cat is holding the bike rider’s bag, while the other cat is sitting on the bike’s fuel tank. What’s even more striking is that the cats seem to be very calm while the biker continues on his way. What’s more, the cat on the fuel tank of the bike can also be seen moving a bit on the fuel tank, which the rider doesn’t mind.

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The video of the rider with the cats on the motorcycle has drawn many reactions on the internet. However, it seems the Internet is divided between those who feel the biker did an irresponsible act and broke traffic rules, while others feel it was cute.

Commenting on the post, a social media user wrote, “Cats are looking very comfortable. May be passers-by are having trouble. Cats are very attached to their owner. Then what is the problem with others.” Another user objected to the idea, saying, “Don’t think it’s wise to take your pet for a ride, it’s not only dangerous for them but also for the rider. It would be better if he could use a transparent cat carry bag or Carrier can take.”