Bike rider dies due to SUV collision, VIDEO: Had gone out to get son’s birthday goods, 200 guests were waiting at home

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A speeding SUV hit a bike-riding farmer on Pali’s Bar-Banad Highway. The collision was so strong that the farmer overturned along with the bike and fell 50 feet away. He was taken to the hospital in a serious condition, where he died during late night treatment. The accident happened on Sunday evening. Its CCTV footage has surfaced on Monday.

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Bheraram Bagdi (46), a resident of Bar in Pali, was going towards his house on a bike on Sunday evening. It was his son’s birthday and there were about 200 guests at the party at home. Bheraram had come to the market to get some goods and was returning to his home. Then the SUV hit him on the Bar-Banad highway.

SUV climbs on the divider
The accident was so horrific that the farmer went away dragging him with the bike. At the same time, his bike came under the trolley coming the other way. During this, the driver of the SUV that hit the vehicle could not control the vehicle and the car climbed on the divider. After that he calmed down and ran away. Police has started investigation on the basis of CCTV footage.

The news of the accident of the deceased Bheraram Bagri, a resident of Bar of Pali district, created a ruckus in the house.

The news of the accident of the deceased Bheraram Bagri, a resident of Bar of Pali district, created a ruckus in the house.

son’s birthday
Kansingh Inda, a friend of the deceased told that Sunday was the 21st birthday of Bheraram’s son Deepak. There was food for 200 guests at home. The confectioner had ordered some goods, for which Bheraram went to the market on a bike.

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