Bihar: Three boys of Begusarai drowned in the Ganges. Patna News – Times of India

Begusarai: Three teenagers drowned in the Ganges while taking a bath near Khorampur village of Matihani police station area. Begusarai District on Monday.
The victims were identified as Kishan Kumar (17), Rishu Kumar (18) and Anurag Kumar (17). another young man, PrideThe three had gone to bathe in the river with the victims, which was saved by the villagers.
Recalling the horror, Gaurav said, “As we descended into the river, Kishan, Rishu and Anurag failed to measure the depth and went deep into the water. Within no time he found himself trapped in the strong current. They started crying for help. Seeing my friends in trouble, I tried to go to them to save them, just found myself in trouble. I sounded the alarm too. Hearing my cries, some villagers rushed to save us. Only he could have saved me.”
Police said that efforts are on to retrieve the bodies of the boys, residents of Chatti Road area of ​​Begusarai police station area.
