Big Blow To Pakistan! Four Players Hospitalized Ahead of Do-or-Die World Cup 2023 Clash

In the midst of their bid for a spot in the World Cup 2023 semi-finals, Pakistan’s hopes have taken a severe hit. A crucial do-or-die match against England is on the horizon, and Pakistan is facing a predicament with four key players now hospitalized. Among these players is the talented fast bowler, Haris Rauf, whose availability for the upcoming match hangs in the balance.

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Haris Rauf, known for his express pace, has reportedly been experiencing chest pain, casting doubts over his participation in the critical match. Additionally, three other players, Fakhar Zaman, Mohammad Wasim Jr, and Jamal Khan, have also sought medical attention. Fortunately, for the latter three, their hospital visits were for routine check-ups, and they are not grappling with any major concerns. However, the uncertainty surrounding Haris Rauf’s injury status has raised concerns, as his absence in the do-or-die contest could pose challenges for Pakistan’s chances.

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As the World Cup progresses, Pakistan has managed to secure victories in four out of eight matches, positioning them at the fifth spot in the World Cup points table. The upcoming match against England, scheduled for November 11, holds the key to their journey into the semi-finals. To advance, Pakistan must secure a win against England, but their semi-final prospects also depend on the performances of Afghanistan and New Zealand. With the match looming, Pakistani fans are eagerly awaiting updates on Haris Rauf’s health and whether he will be fit to play against England.