Big achievement in the fight against Corona: Vaccination figure in the country crosses 50 crores, by December 136 crore more doses will be available

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  • Covishield Covaxin | The Narendra Modi government plans to increase the production capacity of the Kovishield Covaxin vaccine dose

New Delhi2 hours ago

The number of corona vaccinations in India has crossed 50 crores. Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya gave this information on social media on Friday. He said that India has achieved a historic achievement in the fight against Corona. Congratulations to all and thank you to the health workers. According to the government, 50.03 crore doses have been administered till 7 pm on Friday. More than 43.29 lakh vaccines were administered on Friday itself.

The vaccination started in the country from January 16 this year. From June 21, its command was completely taken over by the Center. Since then, the central government has been buying 75% of the vaccines from vaccine makers and giving them free of cost to the states and union territories. 25% of the supply is earmarked for the private hospital.

The top 5 states in terms of vaccination are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh is the only state where more than 5 crore vaccines have been administered. So far 3.18 crore people have been infected in the country. However, the active cases are only 4.07 lakh. More than 3.10 crore people have been recovered. There have been 4.26 lakh deaths due to infection.

Covishield-Covaxin to increase production by 4 crore doses every month
The pace of vaccination in the country will accelerate from this month. The Central Government has given this information. The Center said that Serum Institute of India (SII) and Bharat Biotech, two big vaccine makers in the country, will produce more than 40 million doses of Covashield and Covaxin every month. In such a situation, the people of the country will directly benefit from it.

SII said that it is now going to increase the production of Covishield from 11 crore to 12 crore doses every month. At the same time, Bharat Biotech will also produce Covaxin from 2.5 crores to 5.8.

You will get 136 crore doses like this
By the end of the year, 136 crore doses of corona will be available in the country. This information has been given to the MPs by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). In a note issued by the PMO, it has been said that in August the production of Covaxin will be 2.65 crores, Coveshield will produce 23 crores and a total of 25.65 crores doses will be produced in the month.

In September, the production of Covaxin will be Rs 3.15 crore and that of CoveShield will be Rs 23 crore. Which will total 26.15 crore doses. A total of 28.25 crore doses will be produced in October, out of which Covaxin will be 5.25 crore and CovyShield will be 23 crore.

28.25 crore doses will be available in November, of which 5.25 crore will be for Covaxin and 23 crore for Coveshield. At the same time, the estimated production of Covaxin in December will be 5.25 crores and CoveShield will be 23 crores doses, taking a total of 285 crores doses in the month.

According to an advance order given by the Center for August to December 2021, 75% of the doses of CoviShield vaccine will be procured at Rs 215.25 per dose for a total cost of Rs 8,071.87 crore. In this way, 136 crore doses of corona vaccine will be available in the country in the next few months.

Both companies supplied 51.24 crore doses
Union Minister of State for Health Bharati Praveen Pawar told in writing in Lok Sabha on Friday that from January 16 to August 5, Serum Institute has supplied 44.42 crore doses of Covishield. At the same time, Bharat Biotech has supplied 6.82 crore doses of Covaxin during this period. That is, both the companies have supplied 51.24 crore doses in this period.

Elaborating on the steps taken to increase the production of COVID-19 vaccines in the country, Pawar said that the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization has taken several steps for fast track approval of vaccines. Fast track processing system has been created for clinical trial and approval of vaccine.

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