Biden: Differences persist as Biden rolls back North America summit – Times of India

WASHINGTON: North America’s leaders are reviving a three-way summit after a Trump-era pause.
as president Joe BidenCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andres Manuel lopez obrador Resuming the tradition of a North American leaders summit on Thursday, the three allies face deep differences over migration, climate and trade.
“They don’t have that much in common, at least in their vision of what they want for their countries,” said Kenneth Frankel, president of the Canadian Council for the Americas. “Not only what they want for their countries, but what they can provide for their countries.”
Thursday’s meeting at the White House will be the first tripartite meeting for North American leaders since the meeting of Trudeau, Barack Obama and Enrique Pea Nieto in Ottawa in June 2016. The gatherings took a hiatus under President Donald Trump, who feuded with Trudeau and Nieto during his term.
Biden has made some progress in improving relations with US neighbors after Trump’s turbulent years. But several important strains remain – and some new ones have emerged.
Trudeau arrived in Washington with concerns about buy-out US provisions in the president’s proposed $1.85 trillion social service plan. Mexico’s priorities going into the summit were concrete progress on immigration and achieving more equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.
The tradition of three-way meetings began when George W. Bush hosted Vicente Fox of Mexico and Paul Martin of Canada for talks at his farm in Waco, Texas in 2005.
Biden has already held separate virtual meetings with Trudeau in February and Lopez Obrador in March.
Biden will meet again with Trudeau and Lopez Obrador separately on Thursday, before the leaders hold a tripartite session in the middle of a big week for the US president. Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law on Monday, held a virtual summit with China’s Xi Jinping that night, and traveled over the next two days to promote provisions in the big spending deal . It’s also trying to move forward through its social services and climate spending plan.
There are growing concerns about a provision in Canada’s spending plan that would offer US consumers a $7,500 tax credit if they buy electric vehicles by 2026. Next year, only purchases of electric vehicles made in the US will be eligible for the credit. If the vehicle was built at a US plant that operates under a federally-negotiated collective bargaining agreement, the base credit would increase to $4,500.
Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland called the stimulus a clear violation of an updated trade agreement between the three countries that aims to protect American jobs and products made in North America. Trudeau, Freeland and other Canadian ministers met with US officials on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. And Canada’s Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie said she raised concerns about the electric vehicle provision with Secretary of State Antony Blinken last week.
Freeland said that for Canada, “one of the tasks here in the US this week is to really make our American counterparts aware of the extent to which their current stance on this issue is a problem for Canada and to really convince them.” For that they have really prepared this impetus the way they have, in fact has the potential to become a major issue in our bilateral relationship.”
White House spokesman Chris Meagher said the electric vehicle tax stimulus is an essential part of Biden’s push to link efforts to curb climate emissions with job creation in the US.
Meanwhile, the US and Canada have expressed disappointment that López Obrador has failed to engage with global efforts to curb climate emissions. The Mexican president did not attend the UN climate summit in Glasgow this month.
López Obrador’s government, for its part, wants to pledge US development funds to the Northern Triangle countries of Central America. Mexican leaders continue to pressure the US to expand its tree planting program in Central America.
Mexico has worked with the United States – both under Trump and Biden – to control migrant flows and aid in the return of migrants to Central America. The two countries are still negotiating to reintroduce a court-ordered Trump-era policy known in Mexico as Remain, which allowed asylum seekers to wait out their US asylum process in Mexico. forced to
López Obrador has also mentioned on several occasions his interest in the US government expanding its temporary work visa program to meet the demand for more Mexican and Central American labor in the US. without being part of the illegal immigration flow
Arriving in Washington on Wednesday, Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said his government would focus on three issues: the pandemic, economic integration and immigration. On immigration, Ebrard said Mexico would seek to mobilize support for two of López Obrador’s signature social programs – tree planting and youth job opportunities – to ease the push factors of migration.
US Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, recently expressed “serious concern” about the Mexican government’s efforts to limit competition in the electric power sector.
Trudeau and Biden are also expected to discuss the future of an oil pipeline that traverses part of the Great Lakes and is a subject of growing tension over whether it should be closed. Biden is embroiled in a fight over Line 5 of Enbridge, a major section of a pipeline network that carries Canadian oil across the US Midwest.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat and Biden ally, has called for the 68-year-old line to be closed because of the potential for a catastrophic rupture along a 4-mile stretch (6.4 km) in the Strait of Mackinac, which leads to Lake Huron. connects to. and Lake Michigan. The Biden administration has yet to take a stance but there is increasing pressure to do so.
Canada last month invoked a 1977 treaty that guarantees the smooth transit of oil between the two countries.
