Biden aside, PM Modi to meet India’s right-wing critic Kamala Harris – Times of India

WASHINGTON: With a shaved beard and an ever-increasing global agenda, Prime Minister Narendra Modi He flew to Washington DC on Wednesday for bilateral talks and multilateral exchanges that are expected to define and refine New Delhi’s foreign relations framework for years to come.
Modi arrived in the US capital at a time of turmoil in world politics – exactly two years to the day he was in the US”howdy modi“Rally with the then President” Donald Trump – For his first in-person meeting with President Joe Biden and the Vice President Kamala Harris, outside the four-leader quad exchanges that will bring in leaders from Japan and Australia.
Although Biden-Modi talks Expected to be the headliner on Friday, his meeting with the US Vice President of Indian heritage on Thursday is no less significant, given that the US President has entrusted him with an unprecedented assignment in the history of the Vice President, including managing is included. covid-19 response, immigration Issues, and the leadership of the Space Force.
“I look forward to meeting Vice President Kamala Harris to explore opportunities for cooperation between our two countries, especially in the field of science and technology,” PM Modi said before the meeting.
Incidentally, Kamala Harris’ mother Shyamala Gopalan came to the US this week as a 19-year-old student in 1958, the year of Kamala’s birth, going on to earn her PhD with a dissertation evaluating the “quality of protein in chapatis”. Was being
But there will be much more than bread on the table as the two countries seek to expand cooperation in high-tech areas, including addressing supply chain issues in areas ranging from vaccines to semiconductors. Modi is also scheduled to meet five American CEOs, of whom two are CEOs. American of Indian origin In line with the bilateral agenda of acquiring state-of-the-art technologies.
US officials, however, indicated that Kamala Harris would also discuss the issue of democracy and human rights with Modi, without specifying whether it would pertain to India.
A career left-wing liberal, Harris has been a quiet critic of right-wing fundamentalism in India. His parents Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris were outspoken socialist activists who counted among their close friends and peers economists Ajit Singh (a contemporary of Modi’s predecessor Manmohan Singh), Amartya Sen and Lord Meghnad Desai. All of them studied or taught at Berkeley in the period 1958–1962.
In a coincidental example of Europe’s declining importance in the global scheme of things, PM Modi flew non-stop from New Delhi to Washington DC, allowing the new long-haul Air India One to skip the usual refueling stop in Frankfurt. gives. But ahead of his visit, which comes amid unease over the alliance of AUKUS Anglo powers involving the US, UK and Australia, and whether it will undermine the Quad partnership, Modi reached out to French President Emmanuel Macron to indicate whether India will remain stable. Her relationship with Paris.
He tweeted, “Spoke to my friend President Emmanuel Macron on the situation in Afghanistan. We also discussed the close cooperation between India and France in the Indo-Pacific region. We attach great importance to our strategic partnership with France including the UNSC ” his American trip.
