Bhaskar Exclusive: Countdown to summer begins, heat wave will run only till May 13 in North and Central India; then the temperature will drop

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Summer Countdown Begins; Heat Will Last Only On May 13, After That The Mercury Will Fall

11 hours agoWriter: Anirudh Sharma

There is relief news for the people facing the scorching heat. The Meteorological Department has said that after May 13, there is no possibility of heat wave anywhere in the country except Rajasthan. However, from May 11 to 13, the heat will increase in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and half of Madhya Pradesh, but from May 14, the temperature will start decreasing continuously.

This state of drop in temperature will remain till May 24. However, there may be a slight increase in temperature for a few days after that, but with the onset of monsoon in Kerala, pre-monsoon activity and rain will start all over central India.

The date of arrival of monsoon in Kerala is 1st June, this time in Andaman it will reach by 18th May.

The date of arrival of monsoon in Kerala is 1st June, this time in Andaman it will reach by 18th May.

Monsoon will reach Andaman 12 to 13 days before
Another good news is that this time the monsoon in Andaman will reach Kerala 12 to 13 days earlier. It usually reaches 9 to 10 days earlier. The date of arrival of monsoon in Kerala is 1st June. Accordingly, the monsoon will reach Andaman by May 18. This will also start providing relief from the heat.

However, the onset of monsoon in the country is believed to be from Kerala. The Meteorological Department has not announced the early arrival of monsoon in Andaman, but scientists believe that it is fully expected. On the other hand, according to the May Monthly Long Range Forecast of the Meteorological Department, after May 20, there will be an increase in rainfall in Kerala. Scientists are considering it as a sign of the arrival of monsoon.

During the third week, rain activities will increase over the southern states, northeastern and hilly states of the north.

During the third week, rain activities will increase over the southern states, northeastern and hilly states of the north.

The temperature will decrease from the evening of May 13
This year, the reason for relief from heat is Western Disturbance, which will start showing effect from the evening of May 13. Of course, there is a possibility of heat wave in five states from May 11 to May 13, but there will be no severe heat like April. IMD’s meteorologist RK Jenamani said that from the evening of May 13, due to the effect of western disturbance, the temperature will start decreasing in the entire north-west India.

The third week of May will be less hot than the first two weeks as another Western Disturbance will show its effect on May 18. During the third week, rain activities will increase over the southern states, northeastern and hilly states of the north. Due to this, the temperature in the north-west plains will also remain under control. However, there will be a slight increase in temperature in the fourth week, which will not last long.

It is scorching hot in Madhya Pradesh right now.  Here a heat wave warning has been issued in 20 cities.

It is scorching hot in Madhya Pradesh right now. Here a heat wave warning has been issued in 20 cities.

Moisture will come due to the effect of storm Asani
When Hurricane Asani reaches the Odisha coast, moisture will start coming from the Bay of Bengal due to its effect. Along with this, another Western Disturbance is becoming active till May 12. Due to its effect, there will be relief from heat after May 12. In such a situation, there will be clouds in central India including Madhya Pradesh and the temperature will drop.

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