Bhandara first covid free district in Maharashtra. Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: The Bhandara District on Friday. first district of Maharashtra To become covid free. The lone patient under treatment in the district for the last three days was declared healthy on Friday morning.
Despite conducting an average of 600 tests per day, Bhandara is not reporting any new cases for the last three days. It took 15 months for the district to get Kovid free status.

Bhandara was one of the worst-hit parts of the state during the second wave of Covid-19 with over 12,800 patients under treatment on April 18. This is a large number for a rural and tribal-dominated district with a total population of less than 15. lakh. With limited medical facilities, the district witnessed a shortage of oxygen and hospital beds during the second wave.
According to District Collector Sandeep StepHe strictly followed the three-pronged strategy of ‘Testing, Tracing and Treating’.
He said the district did a good job in controlling the first wave and by mid-February this year the spread was well under control.
Bhandara was one of the worst-affected districts during the second wave. On April 12, we recorded the highest number of 1,500+ new cases. More than 12,800 patients were being treated at a time. Now, that number is zero, said Collector Sandeep Kadam.
Giving credit to the “collective effort of the administration and cooperation of citizens”, he said that though there are zero active patients in the district today, the administration and citizens need to be vigilant. Even the slightest carelessness will not work. Against the backdrop of the anticipated third wave, there is a need to follow the rules more responsibly,” Kadam said while appealing to people to wear masks, wash hands and follow physical distancing.
Bhandara Civil Surgeon Dr Riyaji farooqui It was expected that the district would remain Kovid free. “If people continue to cooperate, we can be Covid-free for a long time. Zero new cases have been reported in the last three days. There were zero cases in July for more than 10 days. Masks and physical distancing are the keys to keep this situation going,” he said.
Farooqui further said that his department is ready to face the challenge from the anticipated third wave. “We may delay the third wave if we continue to be cautious. The longer the delay, the lesser will be the effect of the third wave.”


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