Ben Gvir calls for holding suspects without charge amid spike in homicides

Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Thursday called for detaining suspects without charge as a means of tackling violent crime. four people died In separate incidents of apparent homicide across the country.

Ben Gvir advocated for administrative detention and other administrative orders during an emergency meeting with top police officials, which was called after a recent increase in killings. The controversial practice, which allows individuals to be held practically indefinitely without charge and evidence against them is withheld, is used mostly against Palestinian terrorist suspects, but has also been used against Jewish extremists. goes.

The leader of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, who worked as a lawyer specializing in defending Jewish terror suspects before entering the Knesset in 2021, has recently spoken out against administrative detention at length, including last month In reply To take four prisoners into custody.

During the meeting Ben Gvir said, “I do not like the administrative order and it is an extreme step, but there is no alternative.” “On days like these when there is bloodshed in the streets, it is an extreme situation in which we have to use extreme measures.”

“I am asking you to produce intelligence to enforce administrative restraining orders on the central instigators of the crime, who are responsible for a very significant portion of the past incidents of shootings and murders,” he said.

“There is no option at this time but to use a measured, limited and necessary amount of administrative detention to keep those responsible away and create deterrence,” he ordered the authorities, along with Attorney General Gali Bahrav Quickly file requests – to approve Mira measures.

According to Channel 12 news, most senior police officers supported Ben Gvir’s proposal.

The network, which did not cite a source, reported that Ben Gwyr and police officials had agreed to draw up a list of some 20 prominent criminal figures from the underworld to be placed in administrative detention.

“Criminal organizations will feel the power of the police. We will take revenge on those who break the law who have forgotten the value of human life,” Shabtai said.

Despite the reported support for using administrative detention in fighting crime, a police source told the Ynet news site that the force should investigate the “legal feasibility” of doing so with Attorney General Ghali Bahraw-Miara, who has been appointed as Ben Gwir has often been resentful of blocking. Many of his initiatives.

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