Beijing 2022 Winter Games flame lit in ancient Olympia – Bhaskar Live English News

Ancient Olympia (Greece), 18 October | The Olympic flame burning for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games was ignited on Monday in ancient Olympia, Greece, the birthplace of the Games.

During the traditional ceremony, actress Xanthi Georgiou as the ancient Greek high priest used a concave mirror to focus the sun’s rays and lit a torch in front of the 2,500-year-old temple of the goddess Hera in ancient Greek mythology.

At the end of the ceremony, the high priest handed over the flame inside the stadium to the first torchbearer, Greek skier Ioannis Antonio, which had hosted the first games centuries earlier.

A total of three torchbearers will relay the torch at ancient Olympia. Former Chinese short track speed skating athlete Li Jiajun was the second runner, Xinhua reports.

After a short symbolic torch relay, the flame will be transferred to Athens to be handed over to the organizers of Beijing 2022 on Tuesday.

The XXIV Winter Olympics will take place from 4 to 20 February 2022, followed by the Paralympic Winter Games.

Source: IANS

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