Afghanistan: US State Department monitors to review end of operations in Afghanistan – Times of India

Washington: US State DepartmentThe Inspector General of the United States will review the end of the Biden administration’s diplomatic campaigns AfghanistanA spokesman said on Monday, including the emergency evacuation of the US embassy in Kabul.
The department’s acting inspector general will also look into its special immigrant visa program, the processing of Afghans for entry as refugees and their resettlement in the United States.
Acting Inspector General, Diana Shawinformed Congress on Monday that his office is undertaking “multiple inspection projects” related to the end of US military and diplomatic missions in Afghanistan.
A Congress aide said a briefing was scheduled by the IG on Tuesday.
Planned appraisal was first reported by politician.
The US-backed Afghan government fell in mid-August because Taliban It swept across the country at lightning speed and swept through the capital, Kabul.
US Republicans strongly criticize the President Joe BidenAdministration to a spectacular collapse of a two-decade war effort, though the president’s approval ratings have largely recovered from an initial hit linked to a chaotic return.
Thirteen American soldiers also died in the August 26 suicide bombing as they tried to secure an evacuation effort, which ultimately relied on the support of the militant Islamist Taliban, a longtime US enemy.
