Before you choose dermal fillers, read the pros and cons of this procedure

Reality television stars like Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner have shown us how fillers are an easy way to get rid of aging skin. However, there is always a level of apprehension when undergoing such treatment. There are enough cases of facial filler treatment going wrong and much of it depends on the doctor or the clinic you choose.

Before we dive into the pros and cons of dermal fillers, let’s understand what it is:

Dermal fillers are soft, gel-like substances that are injected under the skin. These fillers can address many common skin concerns, including smoothing under-eye circles, lifting cheekbones, plumping lips, smoothing lip lines, and rejuvenating hands.

It should also be noted that fillers or self-injection of fillers administered by non-health professionals is not recommended at all.

Let us start with the good effects of dermal fillers:

According to a report by Harvard Health, one of the most common compounds used in dermal fillers is hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance found in our skin, and it plays a major role in keeping it hydrated and plump. Dermal fillers with HA, depending on their specific chemical makeup, can last from six months to longer before being slowly absorbed by the body. One of the main advantages of HA fillers, in addition to their natural appearance during injection, is that they can be dissolved by a special solution in case of a poor reaction. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of HA dermal fillers, you can easily get rid of it. Harvard Health states that most HA fillers are premixed with lidocaine, a numbing agent, to maximize comfort during treatment.


In addition to being expensive, dermal fillers can also react badly on your skin. Fillers purchased online may contain non-sterile substances, such as hair gel, which can cause allergic reactions, infection, and death of skin cells when injected. Another risk of dermal fillers is that improper injection technique can lead not only to swelling and lumps, but also to more serious side effects such as death of skin cells, and embolism leading to blindness, reports Harvard Health. .

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