Batman comic’s Robin depicted as LGBTQ+ in new comic – Times of India

Here’s some news for Batman comics fans! A new “Batman: Urban Legends” superhero sidekick, Robin, turns out to be an LGBTQ+ character and admits to going on a date with another male character.

Robin was first introduced to DC Comics readers over 80 years ago. After years of subtle homosexual behavior, Robin is finally shown as a queer superhero. According to The Guardian, at the end of DC’s latest issue of “Batman: Urban Legends,” the current iteration of Boy Wonder, Tim Drake, is shown accepting an invitation to a date from his friend Bernard, who had just met him. was saved. villain while in the guise of Robin.

Comic issue writer Meghan Fitzmartin told “When Dave” [Wielgosz] (The editors of “Batman: Urban Legends”) reached out to Tim about doing another story, I was thrilled. We talked about where Tim Drake was versus where he was at the time and came to the conclusion that it needed to be a story about identity and discovery. What was next for Boy Wonder?”

It is noted that although Robin has now come out as LGBTQ+, he was previously shown to be dating female superhero spoiler, aka Stephanie Brown. Commenting on the development, FitzMartin further said in the interview, “I wanted to pay tribute to the fact that sexuality is a journey … to be clear, his feelings for Stephanie have/have been 100% genuine, as His feelings are for Bernard. However, Tim is still figuring himself out. I don’t think he has the language for it…yet.”

He also tweeted:

However, Tim Drake is not the first queer superhero in the popular comic series. Other LGBTQ+ characters include Batwoman, Marvel, Harley Quinn, Captain America.


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