Bagga’s challenge to Kejriwal: 1 No 100 FIR, I am not afraid; ready for legal battle

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  • Tajinder Bagga Challenges Kejriwal. BJP Leader Tajinder Bagga Challenges Kejriwal After Return Home Ghar Vapsi

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Tajinder Bagga reaches home - Dainik Bhaskar

Tajinder Bagga reaches home

After returning home, Delhi BJP leader Tajinder Bagga has challenged Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal. Bagga said that not 1 but 100 FIRs should be lodged against him, even then he is not going to be afraid. He is all set to fight the legal battle. Bagga was arrested yesterday by the Punjab Police from Delhi. However, on the way, the Haryana Police stopped the Punjab Police. After which Bagga was taken back to Delhi Police. Where he was sent home after being produced before the magistrate.

Punjab Police team arresting Bagga

Punjab Police team arresting Bagga

Warrant not shown, carried away like a terrorist
Tajinder Bagga said that 2 policemen came at 8 o’clock. He said that he has come to give notice. Then one of them opened the door and 14-15 people came in in plain clothes. He didn’t let me talk. Warrant not shown. Did not inform the local police. 14-15 people took me out as if I am a terrorist. Started taking me along with about 50 people.

Delhi Police took Bagga back with them from Kurukshetra

Delhi Police took Bagga back with them from Kurukshetra

it’s my fault to ask questions
My fault is that I ask him questions everyday. Arvind Kejriwal had said that I will put those who sacrilege Sri Guru Granth Sahib in jail in 24 hours. I am asking why this has not been done till now?

Will not be able to stop asking questions, I will give all statements on Monday
They think that by registering a case, they will stop me from asking questions. Will drop the demand for an apology for lying to the massacre of Kashmiri Pandits. We are not going to stop and be afraid. He said that on Monday I will give a full statement. I will take action against those who raised their hands and took them into illegal custody.

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