Australian PM slams protest against hostage families: ‘Unhelpful’

“I am appalled by the actions of the protesters and I condemn them, it does nothing to advance the cause of the Palestinian people,” Anthony Albanese, Australian Prime Minister said on Thursday about the anti-Israel protest against families of Israeli hostages at a hotel on Wednesday. “It does nothing to advance justice for the Palestinians or peace in the region.”

Harassing the families of hostages

A delegation composed of families of kidnapped Israelis and murdered individuals of the October 7 massacre who traveled to Australia encountered a situation where they were prevented from entering the hotel in Melbourne where they were currently staying.

This incident was the result of an impassioned protest by a group of several dozen pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had gathered around the delegation after learning of its location.

Pro-Palestinian supporters take part in a rally calling for an end to the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, October 11, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/WILLY KURNIAWAN)

Albanese continued: “There is no excuse, no circumstances where people should organize a demonstration against grieving families. None. I call it out and I express on behalf of the Australian government our regret to those families who we met with. It is not the Australian line.”

In response to the violent protests, the delegation sought assistance at the local police station. The professional authorities have been overseeing ongoing security measures surrounding the delegation, while local police forces and security personnel accompanied them. In addition, a thorough search of the hotel took place.