Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years in prison – Henry’s Club

Suu Kyi found guilty A source with knowledge of the court proceedings told CNN that several of the charges involved possession of an unlicensed walkie-talkie.

Suu Kyi, 76, was Myanmar’s state counselor and the country’s de facto leader before she was deposed and detained by the military in a coup 11 months earlier and killed with nearly a dozen charges that spanned more than 100 years. Were gone Let’s sum up the maximum number of sentences. ,

They include multiple charges of corruption – each serving a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison – violating COVID-19 pandemic restrictions during the 2020 election campaign, illegally importing and possessing walkie talkies, and the Colonial-era Official Secret Act. break up. – which can be punished with a maximum sentence of 14 years.

He has denied all the allegations and his supporters say the allegations against him are political.

Monday’s sentence included two years in prison for possessing a walkie-talkie for violating Myanmar’s export-import law and one year for violating a communications law. The two sentences would run together, the source told CNN.

Suu Kyi was also sentenced to two years in prison for violating the Natural Disaster Management Act, which deals with breaking coronavirus rules.

A Zabuthiri Court in the capital Naypyidaw on 7 December Suu Kyi was initially sentenced Sources close to the trial said he was sentenced to four years in prison and two years in prison for violating Section 25 of the Disaster Management Act.

Later that day, the military reduced the sentence from four years to two years. The military also halved the four-year prison sentence of Myanmar’s ousted President Win Myint.

Myanmar’s military regime has sought to restrict information about the tests, which have been closed to the public. In October, gag order It was imposed on his legal team which barred him from speaking to the media.

Additional reporting from Reuters.