Audio Problems During Zoom Calls? Simple troubleshooting guide is here

The world’s timeline is now divided into the eras before and after the pandemic. In the pre-pandemic era, people used to meet and discuss their work outside their homes and in person. However, in the post-pandemic era, the paradigm has shifted to screens, video calls and meetings and this has made apps including Zoom and Google Meet incredibly popular. Talking about the digital space, there can be many problems and disturbances. Sometimes, the session gets interrupted due to poor network connection, camera issue or audio issue. But as someone might have said, adapting is human. We bring you ways to combat these issues and make your digital experience easier than ever, with this article focusing on audio problems in Zoom. Before we get into the parting ways, make sure your mic is properly connected, the Zoom must have authorization to use computer audio, and you’re not muted. If the audio still doesn’t work, continue reading.

zoom on desktop

Step 1: In the Zoom desktop app, select the caret (^) next to the mic icon on your Zoom window.

Step 2: Make sure the correct mic is selected to provide the audio. If not, choose the right mic.

Step 3: Then select ‘Test speaker and microphone’. Follow the prompts that appear and set up your mic properly.

Step 4: Select Finish after the mic is tested and set up.

zoom on smartphone

Step 1: Once on the app, tap on the screen to reveal the options.

Step 2: Tap on ‘Join Audio’ option at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 3: Select ‘Wi-Fi or Cellular Data’ in the pop-up menu.

Step 4: If the ‘Join audio’ option is not available, tap on the three dots in the bottom-right corner, select ‘Disconnect audio’ and follow the above steps again.

You have successfully learned to fix audio on your own behalf. But what if others can hear you, but you can’t hear them. Repeat the steps above, but this time, your focus should be on the speaker rather than the mic.

How to connect to Zoom via phone when computer audio is not working?

Step 1: Click on the caret (^).

Step 2: In the option, select ‘Skip computer audio’.

Step 3: Click on ‘Join Audio’. Select the ‘Phone Calls’ tab and follow the prompts that appear.

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