‘Attack on essential liberties’: Barack Obama slams US Supreme Court order ending abortion rights

Former US President Barack Obama on Friday condemned the Supreme Court’s decision Roe vs. WadeHistoric decision to legalize abortion across the country. He called it an attack on the “essential liberty” experienced by millions of Americans.

“Today, the Supreme Court not only overturned nearly 50 years of precedent, but struck down the most deeply personal decision to the whims of politicians and thinkers – invading the essential liberties of millions of Americans,” Obama tweeted.

Obama went on to say that across the US, states have moved to pass bills restricting access to abortion.

In a joint statement with his wife, Michelle, Obama said that “what Roe recognized is that the freedoms enshrined in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution require us all to enjoy an area of ​​our lives that is not the state.” is not subject to interference from

The former president also said the decision is unlikely to lead to a significant reduction in abortion, which he said has decreased over the past several decades as a result of better access to contraception and education.

Obama stressed that those who do not have enough money, access to transportation and leave from work will be most affected.

A conservative-majority court ruling in a 6-3 decision to uphold Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban clashed directly with Roe.

The former Democratic president said Friday’s decision should “serve as a powerful reminder of the central role the courts play in protecting our rights — and of the fact that elections have consequences.”

He also urged people to join activists and participate in local protests, volunteering and voting in the mid-term on 8 November.

“Because in the end, if we want judges who will protect our rights, not just some, we have to elect officers committed to doing so,” he said.