At least take out children and women: Af Sikh, Hindu from Indian government. India News – Times of India

Amritsar: Afghanistan Sikh And Hindu minorities have made a desperate appeal to at least get their women and children out of India, while some escape routes are still open and Kabul is protesting the takeover by rebels, reports Yudhveer Rana And Sharik Majeed.
A Sikh community leader, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We have heard of a fight between Taliban And anti taliban Mujahideen in Panjshir Valley and other places. In Kabul, people have come out on the streets against the Taliban, while even inside the gurdwara we feel very insecure. We expect India to come to our rescue, or at least take out Hindu and Sikh women and children.” He said the community feared a return to the brutality of the Taliban’s 1996-2001 regime.
Taliban shoot video at gurdwara: They forced Hindus and Sikhs sheltering there to say on camera that Taliban assurances made them feel safe, said another Sikh, who wants to remain anonymous.


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