As India Today report goes viral, Sonu Sood pledges to set up network tower in Wayanad, Kerala

After an India Today ground report that students living in Kerala’s Wayanad were facing difficulty in attending online classes went viral, actor Sonu Sood asked students to stop climbing mountains to attend online classes during the pandemic. To prevent this, it was resolved to install network towers in the district.

Wayanad is one of the high altitude districts of northern Kerala, with more than 74 percent of its area classified as forest, but this facility prevents students living in the area from attending online classes due to poor internet connectivity. is a big challenge. As the India Today team progressed, they saw students sitting on top of a bridge on the side of the road, where they were attending online classes.

Due to lack of network connection, the students have prepared a make-shift shed using wooden sticks and polythene sheets. However, the place is also a regular route for wild animals including elephants and leopards. watch the video.

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