are you in love? Look For These Signs To Know If It’s Beyond Attraction

what is love? It is difficult to describe the feelings in few words. Love is a complex emotion and has different meanings for different people. Bollywood Movies have given us many ways to love, one that is pure, one that is friendship and one that is stubborn. There is a thin line between love and infatuation. You may think you are in love but it could just be attraction. The best way to know if you love someone is to introspect and see how you feel in their presence. If you want a little bit of reassurance that it’s love and not infatuation, you can look for these signs.

It’s beyond physical appearance

When you love someone, you look beyond their physical characteristics. They can be smart, handsome or beautiful, but what matters to you is the emotional connection you have with your partner. Attraction is more about appearances whereas love is more intimate and personal.

you lose your temper around them

When love begins to blossom, you feel a strange magnetism when you are with that person. You run out of words, feel conscious, and don’t know how to act. The other person may be your best friend for a long time but as soon as you fall in love with them, everything changes.

Attraction goes, love doesn’t

If you are attracted to someone then the formula of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ will work. However, with love, you crave for that person more in his absence. You won’t feel it that much but they are always on your mind and you imagine things from the perspective of ‘what if they were here’.

Your confidence and self-esteem increase

Love doesn’t let you down but it lifts you above your horizons. If you are in love, their personality will add to yours and you will feel more confident and attractive. You will see a positive difference in yourself.

If you feel that you are noticing these small changes in yourself, then don’t wait, just go and express your love for someone special.

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