Are warts bothering you? Here are easy home remedies to get rid of them

Apple cider vinegar can eliminate warts from the root.

There are many ways to remove a wart, but it should be done slowly and carefully.

Warts are a problem for many of us. They usually appear on the arms, neck, face, legs and other parts of the body. They not only tarnish your beauty but are also extremely embarrassing. There are many ways to remove warts, but it should be done slowly and carefully rather than in a hurry. Below are some home remedies that you can use to get rid of warts:

Apple vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar can eliminate warts from the root. You apply it on the warts at least 3 times a day with the help of cotton and leave it by sticking the cotton on top. Within a few days, the wart will darken and the skin around the base will dry out.

Garlic Buds:

You can peel and cut garlic into small pieces and then rub it on the warts. Alternatively, you can make a paste and apply it on the warts. By doing this, the wart will fall in a few days.

Lemon juice:

You can apply lemon juice on the warts with the help of cotton. This will cause the warts to fall off within a few days.

Potato Juice:

Rubbing potato peels on them can get rid of warts. You can also keep potato juice on the warts overnight.

Baking soda:

You can make a paste by mixing castor oil with baking soda and applying it on the warts. Within a few days, you will clearly see its benefits.

pineapple juice:

By applying pineapple juice on the wart, it will ripen in a few days and you can get rid of it quickly.

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