Anushka Sharma shares Zakir Khan’s post on turning celebrity death into ‘tamasha’ – Times of India

Anushka Sharma recently amplified Zakir Khan‘Celebrity death’ is being converted to ‘Post’festival‘ From Media.

Anushka shared Zakir’s post on her Instagram handle where she narrated how the death of a celebrity is turned into a spectacle by the media. He was reportedly referring to the recent media coverage Sidharth ShuklaSad demise of

Check out Anushka’s post here:


The poem, roughly translated into English, reads, “They do not understand you as a human being. Not because there are no lines or boundaries. Your corpse is not a body without soul but an opportunity to click pictures. As many clicks as they can. It’s just like people trying to steal crockery from riot-burning houses. Because what would be your use after that? At most 10 photos, five news stories, three videos, two stories, one post. this much only.”

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Elaborating further, he said, “That’s why your death will only be a show for them. Your crying mother is a show off, your father broken by pain is a show off, your desperate sister, your brother who has lost hope, the one who loves you.” It’s a show off. If you were alive, it would have been a different matter. After you weeping will only quench the thirst of loved ones. All I am saying is that this is the life you and I have chosen. Maybe you will regret it a little less If you knew it while you were alive. That’s why you should be happy with your friends, love your people. Learn new things, make new relationships. Don’t just live for them. Whatever time you have left, take your Live for them because you are not even human to them.”

Siddharth Shukla passes away heart attack. He is survived by his mother and two sisters.


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