Anupama Anjali: IPS Officer’s Daughter Becomes IAS Officer – Shares ’20 Min Walk’ Mantra

Success Story of IAS Officer Anupama Anjali: Cracking the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam is a challenging task that requires hard work and a positive mindset. IAS officer Anupama Anjali successfully completed her journey in UPSC by maintaining her mental and physical fitness. After failing the exam once, Anupama Anjali succeeded in her second attempt and her story serves as an inspiration to students aspiring to crack UPSC exams.

Anupama Anjali obtained her bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering before she started preparing for UPSC exam. However, he faced failure in his initial attempt. Despite this setback, she did not lose hope and decided to give the exam another attempt.

dream come true in 2018

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After the initial setback, Anupama Anjali focused on keeping herself mentally and physically fit. He achieved success in the UPSC exam of 2018 and fulfilled his dream of becoming an IAS officer by securing 386th rank across the country.

helping preparers

After success in UPSC exam, Anupama was allotted Andhra Pradesh Cadre and her first posting was as Joint Collector of Guntur District. She helps the underprivileged children in her district and provides guidance to those aspiring to crack the UPSC exam.

learn to help

According to a report in DNA, Anupama Anjali’s father is an IPS officer. Anupama mentioned that she grew up watching her father and grandfather, who were both civil servants, and learned how they can help people around them and take important decisions. Making a career in UPSC became an inspiration for him.

start of the day

While preparing for UPSC exam, Anupama Anjali used to start her day with morning meditation. She believes that no matter how busy the day is, it is important to start the morning right. After meditation, Anupama would sit alone with a cup of tea and engage in self-talk, keeping herself motivated.

20 minutes walk is enough

Apart from meditation, she also used to do physical exercises. She stresses that many students neglect their physical and mental health while studying for 12 hours a day. The truth is that even a 20-minute walk a day can refresh and refresh your mind beyond imagination.