Anne Hathaway was asked ‘are you a good girl or a bad girl?’ when she was just 16

New Delhi: At the Sundance Film Festival, Hollywood star Anne Hathaway revealed a creepy question she was asked by a journalist when she started her career in acting.

Her upcoming film “Eileen,” a darkly funny thriller that premiered Saturday at the Sundance Film Festival, features two killer roles for Hathaway and Thomson McKenzie as a psychologist and a prison secretary, respectively. who are drawn together in unexpected ways.

But the film struck an emotional resonance for Hathaway, she revealed to the crowd during a Q&A after the screening, Variety reports.

“I remember when I started acting and I had to do press, one of the first questions I was asked was: Are you a good girl or a bad girl?” Hathaway said.

“I was 16 and my 16-year-old self wanted to respond with this film.”

Hathaway said she decided to sign up for “Eileen” after watching director William Oldroyd’s acclaimed 2016 drama, “Lady Macbeth,” in which Florence Pugh played the role of a woman trapped in a miserable marriage to an aging man. acted as

“I thought it was an extraordinary job,” Hathaway said.

“I saw a study of female complexity that I found really profound, and I felt that Will was a filmmaker who could be trusted to tell complex stories, especially about women.”

Just as good as Hathaway is as a mysterious doctor who strikes up a lesbian relationship with a fellow prison employee, playing McKenzie, a young woman who is largely ignored and forced to care for her alcoholic father. is forced to, may deliver the most surprising twist of the film. This is partly due to his on-screen Massachusetts accent. It’s a bid that has preyed on plenty of accomplished artists, but one that MacKenzie has been unhappy about, despite overcoming some geographic barriers.

McKenzie said, “I like my tone.”

“I’m a very proud New Zealander, but I find it very distracting to be myself.”

On set, whether it was ‘Eileen’ or ‘Last Night at Soho’ where she used to have an impeccable English accent, McKenzie said she spoke in her character’s voice while shooting.

“It’s really funny at the end of work when I break out my Kiwi accent and the crew are like what is this?” he said.

“Eileen” was adapted for the screen by Otessa Moshfegh and Luke Goebel (“Causeway”), author of the novel of the same name. Moshfegh, who has become a literary sensation with acclaimed works such as “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” and “Lapawona”, said she hopes to direct a film one day.

As for Oldroyd, he says that he believes ‘Eileen’ can move easily from page to page because of her unique voice.

“I love … dark, weird, weird, weird stories,” he said.