Android users’ ‘private’ browsing on Chrome could be even more secure – Times of India

Incognito mode is for private browsing, so when a user browses in this mode, other people using the device should not see those webpages in the history. But if you haven’t closed the tab so anyone can see it, once they try to open a new tab in Incognito mode, the purpose of the feature is defeated.
Google Chrome Launched support for locking incognito tabs iPhone and iPad users in June of this year with Chrome 92 for iOS. However, this support still hasn’t arrived for iPhone users as it appears to be a server-side update. Now, the internet search giant has been seen doing the same for Android users.
according to a report from chromestory, marks to add lock on incognito tab are seen in Chrome Canary 94. As is the case with iPhone users, Android users will soon be able to add a similar lock for their Incognito tabs as well. To unlock it, users need to have a . should be able to use Pin or biometric scan.
The feature has been spotted in Chrome: Flags under “Enable device re-authentication for Incognito” and may not be enabled yet. But since this feature is already available for iOS users of the Chrome app, the same support was expected for Android users as well.
When can Android users expect lock support on Incognito Tab?
There is no word from the company on this yet and considering the progress of the feature on iOS and iPadOS, it may take some time for Android users.
How will lock support work on incognito tabs?
We expect this feature to work the same way chrome for android As seen to work for iOS. Once the feature goes live, users should be able to control it through the Settings > Privacy > Lock Incognito tab when you close Chrome.


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