Andhra Pradesh: Three youths from Rajasthan drowned in Kurnool canal. Amravati News – Times of India

Tirupati: Three youths from Rajasthan living in a local Jain Temple Feather Chinnatumbalam Village drowned in Tungabhadra Project low level canal in Kurnool late Monday night
According to Peddatumbalam SI G Chandra, a group of five youths who had shifted from Rajasthan to Chinnatumbalam for the construction of a Jain temple had stayed back and took shelter in the temple premises itself.
After completing the work on Monday evening, the five youths had gone to spend time in the lower level canal of the nearby Tungabhadra project to wash clothes.
While one of the group, identified as Sunil (18), accidentally fell into the canal, Bhavani (19) and Vinod (28) who tried to save their friend also fell into the canal and were washed away.
Peddatumbalam police reached the spot and retrieved the bodies of Bhavani and Vinod with the help of expert swimmers and local people.
Police are yet to trace Sunil’s body, but it is feared that he may also die.
Peddatumbalam police have registered a case and started further investigation.
