Andhra Pradesh: 1,065 farmers ended lives in 2021, 3rd highest in country | Visakhapatnam News – Times of India

VISAKHAPATNAM: Number of suicides by farmers in Andhra Pradesh increased by over 19 per cent in 2021 when compared to the 2020. Andhra Pradesh once again stood 3rd place in farmer suicides in the country. A total of 1,065 people working in the farm sector (farmers, tenant farmers and others) ended their lives in Andhra Pradesh in 2021 while the number of farmers suicides was 889 in 2020.
The latest data of NCRB’s, Accidents and Suicides in India-2021, revealed that Andhra Pradesh occupied third place in terms of the number of farmer suicides in 2021, behind Maharashtra with 4,064 farmer suicides, Karnataka (2,169). In 2020 and 2019, Andhra Pradesh stood third place in the country in farmers’ suicides with 889 and 1,029 respectively. The data says that 10,888 farmers died by suicide in the country in 2021.
The latest NCRB data also depicted only the profession of persons who have committed suicide and has no linkage whatsoever regarding the cause of suicide.
Of the 1,065 farmer suicides in the state in 2021, 958 people were male and 107 were female. The data also shows that 359 suicides were committed by farmers who cultivated their own farmland, 122 by those who cultivated on lease land and 584 people were engaged as agricultural labourers.
The most common reason for the suicides of farmers in Andhra Pradesh is mounting debts, lack of market price for their agricultural produce, and the tenant farmers being deprived of benefits from the government. The Rythu Bharosa scheme of AP government and the PM Kisan Samman schemes haven’t decreased the farm crisis. There was no proper farm mechanization, no support to micro irrigation and no supply of micronutrients, said Secretary of Rythu Swarajya Vedika (RSV), an umbrella association of farmers’ groups and NGOs, B Kondal Reddy.
The Human Rights Forum (HRF) and Rythu Swarajya Vedika (RSV) demanded that the AP government initiate steps for immediate and proper implementation of GO 43 which provides for a financial and rehabilitation package to the family members of those farmers who have committed suicide. We are appealing to the government to provide remunerative prices of agriproducts to save the farming sector, they added.
The leaders of left parties expressed that the there was no proper agenda to address the farm crisis in the state. There were several instances where the farmers dumped their produce on roads due to poor price for the produce. If the Union and state government implement the Swaminathan committee’s recommendation that a minimum support price (MSP) that is at least 50 per cent above the cost of production be extended to farmers, it will save the farming sector, they added.