Anand Mahindra’s Epic Throwback Pic: Yes, It Is Mahindra Group Chairman Playing Chess On Honeymoon – Have You Seen It?

New Delhi: Mahindra Group Chairman, Anand Mahindra is known to be active on social media, especially Twitter. He often reveals details about his personal life, business strategy and opinions on a range of topics. He is also known for his love for chess and on 20 July, the day after International Chess Day, he published a post with a walk down memory lane.

On their honeymoon, Anand Mahindra visited Agra, Uttar Pradesh, where he posted an old picture of himself playing chess on a marble table. He mentioned in the comments the picture where he was holding a chessboard, and said that he is now practicing his moves by playing chess online.

And since we’re on the subject of chess, I had to share this on #InternationalChessDay tomorrow. During the Global Chess League, I was often asked if I play chess myself. So I rummaged through my photo book and found this picture from my Agra honeymoon,” he tweeted.

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Anand Mahindra continued, “No, that was not a robotic board I was playing, I was just posing for my wife’s camera! I am now trying to hone my skills online and today I will start with the standard e4 instead of the d4 that I tried then…”.