Big B joined fans and fellow Bollywood stars to pay tribute to the late actor and honor his memory. Expressing grief upon learning of the legend’s demise, Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “An institution gone.. Whenever the history of Indian cinema is written, it will always be ‘before Dilip Kumar and after Dilip Kumar’.”
Expressing our condolences to the actor’s family and widowed wife, Saira BanuHe wrote, “May my soul rest in peace and strength to the family to bear this loss.”
T 3958 – An institution is gone.. Whenever the history of Indian cinema is written, it will always be written as ‘BF…’.
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) 1625628786000
“Deeply saddened,” he signed.
Tributes are pouring in from all sides. Everyone likes from PM Modi to Bollywood stars Ajay Devgnhandjob Vicky Kaushalhandjob Riteish Deshmukh And many others are taking to social media to share their most cherished memories of the late star.
Dileep, popularly known as the Tragedy King, passed away in the early hours of Wednesday, 7 July 2021. He was 98 years old.
The news of his demise was confirmed by a doctor who was treating his illness. The actor’s spokesperson Faisal Farooqui later took to Twitter to make the official announcement.
Farooqui tweeted, “With a heavy heart and deep sorrow, I announce the passing of my beloved Dilip Saab a few minutes ago. We are from God and we return to him.”
Funeral tonight at 5:00 pm. Juhu Cemetery in Santacruz Mumbai.
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) 1625631113000
The mortal remains of the late actor will be laid at a funeral ceremony at 5 pm today. A tweet from the actor’s official handle read, “Funeral rites at 5:00 PM today. Juhu Qabrastan in Santacruz Mumbai.”
Kumar was admitted to the hospital a few days back after he complained of breathlessness. This was the second time he was admitted due to age-related ailments.