America, allies increased pressure ahead of Jaishankar-Lavrov meeting

India has been discussing Russia-Ukraine crisis with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on energy and defense deals and more importantly alternative payment mechanisms, while the US and its allies have held talks with India. The pressure has increased by terming the engagement. “Deeply disappointing” with Russia.

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who arrived in New Delhi on Thursday, hours before Lavrov, made the purpose of her visit very clear even before discussions with her Indian counterpart S Jaishankar.

An official statement issued by the British High said: “The Foreign Secretary visits India as part of wider diplomatic pressure on Ukraine. This was pointed out by the Commission in New Delhi on Thursday.

New sanctions on Russia

The truce announced 14 new sanctions targeting Russian state media and the “Kremlin mouthpiece that spews Putin’s propaganda”, indicating the mood of the visit in New Delhi.

India has so far done a balancing act on the Russia-Ukraine crisis by condemning the violence in Ukraine, but has avoided action against Russia at the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Commission. It has also been open to the possibility of striking new energy deals with Russia, especially since Moscow could offer exemptions while continuing defense purchases.

The UK foreign secretary’s expectations from India echo those made by US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and Australian Trade Minister Dan Tehan on Wednesday. Both expressed concern over India reportedly considering Russia’s proposal for an alternative payment mechanism that would undermine sanctions imposed by the US and its allies.

“Now is the time to stand on the right side of history, and to stand with the United States and dozens of other countries, to stand up for freedom, democracy and sovereignty with the people of Ukraine, and to finance President Putin’s war.” And not to fuel and assist,” Raimondo told reporters.

Tehan said it was important for democracies to work together to uphold the rules-based approach that had been prevalent since World War II.

US Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics Dalip Singh met Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla on Thursday, telling reporters that the US will not set any “red lines” for India on its energy imports from Russia, but does not want to. There is a spurt in buying.

“We would not like to see an increase in India’s imports from Russia as it relates to energy or any other exports that are currently being restricted by the US or other aspects of the international sanctions regime,” he said.

Acknowledging that US financial sanctions have exempted energy payments and that there are no current restrictions on energy imports from Russia, Singh said the US and its European allies have a common role in reducing their reliance on an unreliable energy supplier such as Russia. There was interest.

Without saying anything, the US deputy NSA said that the US is inclined to all countries not to create mechanisms that promote the ruble and try to undermine the dollar-based financial system. He said there would be consequences for countries that actively try to circumvent or withdraw sanctions against Russia.

Lavrov will meet today

Jaishankar’s meeting with Lavrov is likely to weigh heavily on him as he meets his Russian counterpart on Friday.

Lavrov not only wants to discuss possible concessional energy deals and defense and security contracts with India, but also a payment system reportedly developed by the Russian central bank for bilateral payments, which would provide an alternative to the SWIFT system. Seven major Russian banks have been cut off from the SWIFT system, making it difficult for Russia to do business with other countries.

Lavrov, who is in India after visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, made things more difficult for India by talking to China and other sympathizers to create a “multipolar, just and democratic world order”. Will happen.

(with inputs from agencies)

Published on

31 March 2022