All you need to know about deodorants for kids

Whenever parents use deodorant, children are automatically attracted towards its fragrance. Children also try to use deodorant on their skin. Sometimes, parents even spray deodorant on their children.

Deodorants may mask the smell of sweat, but spraying them on babies, especially those under the age of 14, is not recommended. Parents should be careful when using deodorant on children. Sweating removes toxins from the body and when we apply deodorant, the process of removing these harmful toxins is temporarily stopped. In such cases, children are prone to allergies or infections.

According to WebMD, deodorants contain aluminum hydrochloride, which slows or stops human sweating. Aluminum is present in deodorant in the form of salt which dissolves in your pores and stops sweating.

Many deodorants also contain parabens, which are added to deodorants to inhibit the growth of fungus, bacteria, and yeast. These are added because sweat creates a favorable environment for the growth of such bacteria, especially Candida, a type of yeast.

Children are more conscious of body odor when they reach puberty and use deodorant. Deodorants from brands that produce products for youth and teens may be safe for children. However, generic brand deodorants can be harmful to children.

In such circumstances, avoid deodorants or perfumes that have high aerosol concentrations. Educate children about how to spray deodorant on the body. Sometimes, when used excessively, deodorants can cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. For this you can contact a doctor.

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