Alcohol consumption is more dangerous for the heart than previously thought: Study

Drinking alcohol is injurious to health, and yet many people consider it safe if consumed in moderation. However, the truth is that alcohol is more dangerous to our hearts than ever before, a new study has claimed. according to World Health organization, the consumption of alcohol is very high in the European Union. Everyone knows that prolonged drinking is fatal, but there is a lack of awareness about it in European countries. The study is published in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Dr Bethany Wong of St Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, said if you don’t drink, don’t start drinking. If you drink alcohol, reduce the amount weekly, so that there is minimal damage to the heart.

How did you study?

The study noted that it is very difficult to ascertain the safe level of alcohol consumption. The study was conducted on 744 adults over the age of 40. Most of these were people who were suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc. These people had a higher risk of heart disease.

He was given 10 grams of liquor. The participants were divided into several groups based on weekly, daily, low or no alcohol intake. A total of 201 patients with excessive drinking were placed in the high anxiety grade.

At the same time, 356 people drank alcohol in moderation, while 187 people drank a limited amount of alcohol. It was found that alcohol is injurious to health in every situation. The study suggested that the risk of heart failure was 4.5 times higher in the pre-heart failure group after starting alcohol consumption.

According to Dr. Wong, no benefit was seen for drinking alcohol even in moderation. She said alcohol consumption of 70 grams or more per week was related to an increased risk of heart failure. He said that all countries should insist on reducing the consumption of alcohol. For example, in Ireland, where cases of heart disease are high, the government should set the drinking level at 17 units weekly for men and 11 units for women.

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