Alappuzha Double Murder: Kerala Police Chief Anil Kant issues new guidelines. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Tippuram: State Police is also trying its best to trace all the criminals Alappuzha double murderState Police Chief Anil Kant has come up with more guidelines to ensure that things are kept under control.
According to the fresh guidelines issued on Friday, a district-wise list of all those who were earlier charged in criminal cases – both SDPI and BJP-RSS workers – will be prepared. The person against whom the warrant has been issued will be immediately arrested and it will be investigated whether those who are out on bail are violating the conditions of bail.
The police have been asked to collect the details of those who helped plan the murder or arrange vehicles or weapons to the killers and arrest them. The officials have also been asked to ascertain the source of funds for such criminal activities and to take action against the money givers.
Those who are spreading messages with the intention of creating communal rift in the society will have to face action. Police have registered 30 cases in four days under sections 153 and 120 (o) of IPC against those spreading such messages. Kerala Police Act, 2011.
Those spreading such messages in various social media groups will not only face action, but the administrators of such social media groups will face action. Cyber ​​divisions of all districts have been asked to remain vigilant and keep a watch on social media groups.
The ADGP (Law and Order) and IG of both the zones have been asked to submit a weekly report on the steps taken based on the new guidelines.
Kerala was put on high alert and district police chiefs were asked to requisition additional force if needed to maintain law and order. They were also instructed to assess whether prohibitory orders were required in a particular area.
back-to-back murders in Alappuzha This comes a week after a high-level meeting convened by the state police chief to outline new plans and review the working of the force in the wake of repeated criticism that had put the force under extreme stress. ,
Police also announced a project called Operation Kaval to nab drug smugglers, illegal sand miners, those involved in organized crime and gang attacks.
