Akshay Kumar’s column: Film actor said – progress cannot be external only; We will move towards an India where the doors of opportunity are open to all.

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  • column by Akshay Kumar; The film actor says that progress cannot just be outward and we will move towards an India where the doors of opportunity are open for all the latest news and updates.

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The country is celebrating 75th Independence Day today. We have seen a lot in this journey. Much has been achieved, but there is much that remains to be achieved. Today we reached from Moon to Mars. From needle to rocket. But progress is not just that.

Progress cannot be external only. This process of development should also be internal. It must be connected to the very foundations with which we Indians struggle every day. Cleanliness is one such topic.

There will be no discrimination in New India
We will move towards an India where there will be no discrimination. The doors of opportunity will open equally to every Indian. I believe that development is also related to our culture. We saw in the Olympics how daughters made the country proud. But there are some parts of the country even today, where daughters do not get equal rights.

Problems won’t end overnight
Even after 75 years of independent India, only incomplete freedom has come in the share of daughters. Dowry remains a serious issue even today. This is a problem that has penetrated deep into the Indian society. It won’t end overnight, but we really need a serious start.

Cleanliness has now become a culture in the country
The good thing is that the country has started adopting cleanliness as a culture now, but it is still very early. We have to complete the journey from modern India to Swachh Bharat and Swasth Bharat. The country cannot progress without cleanliness. I think the country needs to think about this. Our Prime Minister has also laid great emphasis on this.

The process of reforms will be faster
Cleanliness drive is a serious step. We don’t need inspiration from anywhere else to make cleanliness a culture. Let us read only our great men. Gandhiji used to say that only cleanliness leads to a clean country. A lot has changed in India like this. The image has improved a lot. But we have to work on many issues, but as the country is gaining momentum, it is expected that the process of reforms will be accelerated. Greetings on 75th Independence Day.

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