Air India peeing shocker: US-based Wells Fargo Bank sacks accused Shankar Mishra

Shankar Mishra, the man accused of urinating on an elderly co-passenger on an Air India flight, has been sacked by his employer Wells Fargo. The American multinational company issued a statement terminating Mishra’s services. The company took cognizance of the New York-Delhi incident on November 26 and took action against its employee, saying it found the allegations “extremely disturbing”. It is noteworthy that Mishra was working as the Vice President of the firm in India.

In a statement the company said, “Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards of professional and personal conduct and we find these allegations very troubling. This individual has been terminated from Wells Fargo. We are following up with law enforcement.” are cooperating with and ask for any additional inquiries to be made.”

Read also: Air India ‘pee’ case: Delhi Police summons flight cabin crew, pilot

Meanwhile, the Delhi Police has launched an investigation into the matter and has summoned the pilots and employees of Air India to draw up a timeline of the incident. Although the accused Shankar Mishra has issued a statement defending himself.

“Whatsapp messages between the accused and the woman clearly show that the accused had got the clothes and bags cleaned on November 28 and the same was delivered on November 30,” the statement said. It added, “The woman’s persistent complaint was only with regard to adequate compensation being paid by the airline, for which she complained later on December 20, 2022.”

Delhi Police booked Mishra under sections 510 (mischief in public by drunken person), 509 (outraging the modesty of a woman), 294 (sings, recites any obscene song, ballad, or words in or near any public place) has or utters) a case has been registered under place), 354 (with intent to outrage the modesty) of the Indian Penal Code as well as a section of the Aircraft Rules Act.