Aid for children with diabetes in the Ministry of Education Daycare

Ministry of Education Will provide support for children with diabetes in after-school daycare starting this coming academic year.

The announcement was made after the High Court approved a petition filed by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and Nathan Meir Law & Co, as part of their ongoing efforts to improve the lives of diabetics in Israel.

At present there are about 850 children in the age group of three to ten years with type 1 diabetes in the education system. The disease is a chronic condition in which the pancreas does not make enough insulin, which is used to convert sugar into energy.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, diagnoses of many non-Covid diseases are declining, including diabetes. This is not because there are fewer people with diabetes, but because fewer people are getting tested.

In fact, the coronavirus has been shown to make the risk of diabetes higher. Virus attacks pancreas cells, damages the process of making insulin, which can lead to type-1 Diabetes.

The Ministry of Education provides support for children with diabetes in schools, but so far these children have not been able to participate in after-school programs. This means that parents have to either pay for a caregiver themselves or leave work early to care for their child at home. This funding will mean that parents can take care of their diabetic child for an entire working day at no extra cost.

Children with diabetes need someone with them at all times to check their sugar levels and take insulin shots when needed. The approval of this petition will supply them with the care they need.

This is a victory for the JDRF and the families of children with diabetes who have fought for years to end discrimination against such children.

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