Ahmedabad: First trees being planted in Pirana Park | Ahmedabad News – Times of India

AHMEDABAD: Finally after four decades, the toxic dump yard in the backyard of our city will be given its first dose of oxygen. Hundreds of trees have been planted piranha, where the land was freed from waste through bio-mining. AMC Cleaned the heritage of 25 acres out of 80 acres and after that started planting trees Japani Miyawaki Technique.
The massive tree plantation drive was since 1965 when Pirana was first marked as a green area in the city development plan of the AMC.

Until a few weeks ago, AMC was aerating, then fouling the soil with harmless chemicals. “Clean soil has been sprayed with a non-hazardous mix of mineral and herbal components to accelerate the decomposition of organic waste materials,” says a senior AMC official.
About 55 types of trees and shrubs, including local and fruit-bearing trees that will attract birds and animals, are being planted at the site. Amidst this green cloak, there will be walkways to encourage citizens to take a walk or exercise. Sources said the budget and timeline for the project have not been finalized yet.


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