After recovering from dengue, eyesight is going away, terrible hand of black fungus!

Myocardial infarction occurs on the body after recovering from dengue. The virus was found in the body of a 49-year-old man admitted to a private nursing home in Delhi. Meanwhile, the man has been admitted to Apollo Hospital in South Delhi. On the other hand, there are reports of people getting infected with dengue one after the other in the capital. According to the official report on mosquito-borne diseases, 9 people have died till November 8. With this, 2,606 people have been infected with dengue. This is the first time since 2016 that so many people have been infected with dengue.

According to sources, more than 1,160 people were infected with dengue in the first week of November. Meanwhile, a statement issued by Apollo Hospitals on Saturday said that what happened to the man was almost rare. He got mucoria after dengue. According to hospital sources, he had recovered from a mosquito-borne illness fifteen days ago. Then suddenly he sees that he cannot see with one eye. He was later admitted to the hospital.

Meanwhile, according to some doctors, after the second wave of corona, many people were getting infected with the black fungus. This trend was more prevalent in people with diabetes. As well as kidney problems, liver, heart problems, many of them have reduced immunity. Due to this the black fungus will settle in their body next time. However, the attack of black fungus or black fungus on the body after recovering from dengue is undoubtedly a rare event in medical science.
